Program Management

Client: Amazon Web Services
Promotions Program
Managed quarterly promotions program for 1,100 employees across North America, earned organization's 2024 Champion Award. Standardized promotion guidance across five business lines, trained 20 promotion SMEs, scheduled promotion reviews.
Project role:
Program manager

Client: Amazon Web Services
AWS Sales Internship
Executed a 12-week sales internship with 101 interns located across US and Canada, including onboarding, sales enablement, and professional development. Informally managed 150 people. Annual internship conversion rate 97% (+12% YoY).
Project role:
Program manager

Client: Amazon
Cross-Program Management
Executed a scalable, global learning strategy for multiple learning programs in support of over 11,500 employees in North and Central America, Europe, and Asia. Managed roadmaps, defined metrics, and monitored program health.
Project role:
Program manager

Client: Amazon Web Services
Leadership Development
Launched coaching program to 156 sales managers, achieved 97% completion rate (+78% against average). Success led to global expansion to 3,662 sales managers.
Project role:
Program manager

Client: Amazon
Self-Service Portal Launch
Set the learning strategy for self-service HR portal launch to 500,000 employees in the U.S. Designed, developed, and implemented training materials for portal users.
Project role:
Project manager, learning designer

Client: Amazon
Resource Management
Developed a centralized location to host learning materials related to Panorama, a case management system used by over 10,000 employees worldwide.
Project role:
Project manager, learning designer